Romania Country Codes

Country flag of Romania
Romanian Flag
To call Romania dial:

Exit Country Code + 40 + Area Code + The Number


* Do not dial the plus (+) symbols

Romania Information

World Time Zones The Romania country code is 40
World Time Zones The local time in Romania is 10:07:00 AM (10:07:00 AM)
Mobile Country Codes for Romania Get the mobile country codes for Romania.
Country Information Romania Information:
Romania on Wikipedia
The currency of Romania is the Romanian Leu.
The nationality of Romania is Romanians.
The capital of Romania is Bucharest
Largest Cities in Romania by population: Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara, Iasi, Constanta, Craiova, Galati, Brasov, Ploiesti, Oradea
Romania Emergency Numbers Romania Emergency Numbers
For an emergency in Romania, dial the following numbers:
Medical - 112
Fire - 112
Police - 112
Local Telephone Prefix Local Telephone Prefix:
0 is the trunk code for Romania
Country Map Romania Map:
Country map of Romania
The Romanian country code and Romania area code chart below gives you the necessary information for calling Romanian cities. For international dialing instructions to Romania, use our drop down boxes at the top of this page or check out our easy-to-use country code search tool.

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Area Codes 1-30 (of 52)
Romania CitiesRomania Area Codes
Alba-Iulia 258
Arad 257
Bacau 234
Baia-Mare 262
Bistrita Nasaud 263
Botosani 231
Braila 239
Brasov 268
Bucuresti (Bucharest) 21
Buzau 238
Calarasi 242
Cernavoda 241
Chisineu Cris 257
Cluj 264
Cluj-Napoca 264
Constanta 241
Craiova 251
Deva 254
Drobeta Turnu-Severin 252
Efarie 241
Focsani 237
Galati 236
Giurgiu 246
Iasi 232
Lipova 257
Marnaia 241
Miercurea-Ciuc 266
Odorheiu 259
Oradea 259
Orsova 252

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