To call Germany dial: Exit Country Code + 49 + Area Code + The Number |
The Germany country code is 49
The local time in Germany is (CLICK FOR TIME ZONES)
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Germany Information:
Germany Map:
Germany on Wikipedia
Germany Emergency Numbers
The currency of Germany is the Euro. The nationality of Germany is Germans. The capital of Germany is Berlin Largest Cities in Germany by population: Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Frankfurt am Main, Stuttgart, Dusseldorf, Dortmund, Essen, Bremen
For an emergency in Germany, dial the following numbers:
Local Telephone Prefix:
Medical - 112
Fire - 112 Police - 110
0 is the trunk code for Germany
Germany Cities | Germany Area Codes |
Achim | 241 |
Augsburg | 821 |
Bad Homburg | 6172 |
Baden-Baden | 7221 |
Bayreuth | 921 |
Berlin | 30 or 43 |
Bonn | 228 |
Bremen | 421 |
Bremerhaven | 471 |
Cologne (Koln) | 221 |
Cottbus | 355 |
Dortmund | 231 |
Dresden | 351 |
Dussledorf | 211 |
Erfurt | 361 |
Essen | 201 |
Frankfurt | 69 |
Frankfurt an der Oder (east) | 335 |
Friedrichshafen | 7541 |
Gera | 365 |
Halle | 345 |
Hamburg | 40 |
Hanover | 511 |
Heidelberg | 6221 |
Hof | 9281 |
Karl-Stadt | 9353 |
Karlsruhe | 721 |
Kassel | 561 |
Kiel | 431 |
Koblenz | 261 |
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