Area Code Reverse Lookup Tool by Country Calling Codes

Any Country Reverse Lookup Tool

Select a Country Calling Code, then
"reverse it" to find the corresponding country

what is a country code reverse lookup? What is a country code reverse lookup?

A country code reverse lookup search allows you to easily figure out from which country a call originated. For example, say someone calls you or sends you this telephone number: +44(0)207 555 55 55 .

If you're not familiar with international dialing, do you know where to start? Using the international reverse phone lookup tool on this page, select "44" from the dropdown and you will see that 44 is the country code for the United Kingdom.

How does this help me? The international reverse phone lookup tool helps you figure out from which country a call originated that you received. It also makes it easy for you to get specific dialing instructions from your country when someone has given you an international number to call. Plus, knowing the country code origin helps you figure out the best time to place or return your call by giving you the country time zone information!

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