provides you with the North America ISO code and continent code, plus a complete list of all North American countries with their ISO country codes (ISO-3166), including the Canada ISO code and USA ISO code, and ccTLDs (country code top level domain).
Country / Territory | ISO-3166-2 (2 Letter Country Code) |
ISO-3166-3 (3 Letter Country Code) |
ccTLD (Country Domain Extension) |
Anguilla | AI | AIA | .ai |
Antigua and Barbuda | AG | ATG | .ag |
Aruba | AW | ABW | .aw |
Bahamas | BS | BHS | .bs |
Barbados | BB | BRB | .bb |
Belize | BZ | BLZ | .bz |
Bermuda | BM | BMU | .bm |
British Virgin Islands | VG | VGB | .vg |
Canada | CA | CAN | .ca |
Cayman Islands | KY | CYM | .ky |
Costa Rica | CR | CRI | .cr |
Cuba | CU | CUB | .cu |
Curacao | CW | CUW | .cw |
Dominica | DM | DMA | .dm |
Dominican Republic | DO | DOM | .do |
El Salvador | SV | SLV | .sv |
Greenland | GL | GRL | .gl |
Grenada and Carriacuou | GD | GRD | .gd |
Guadeloupe | GP | GLP | .gp |
Guatemala | GT | GTM | .gt |
Haiti | HT | HTI | .ht |
Honduras | HN | HND | .hn |
Jamaica | JM | JAM | .jm |
Martinique | MQ | MTQ | .mq |
Mexico | MX | MEX | .mx |
Miquelon | PM | SPM | .pm |
Montserrat | MS | MSR | .ms |
Netherlands Antilles | CW | ANT | .an |
Nevis | KN | KNA | .kn |
Nicaragua | NI | NIC | .ni |
Panama | PA | PAN | .pa |
Puerto Rico | PR | PRI | .pr |
St. Kitts | KN | KNA | .kn |
St. Lucia | LC | LCA | .lc |
St. Pierre and Miquelon | PM | SPM | .pm |
St. Vincent | VC | VCT | .vc |
Trinidad and Tobago | TT | TTO | .tt |
Turks and Caicos Islands | TC | TCA | .tc |
US Virgin Islands | VI | VIR | .vi |
United States | US | USA | .us |
Sint Maarten | SX | SXM | .sx |
Bonaire | BQ | BES | .an |
Saba | BQ | BES | .an |
Sint Eustatius | BQ | BES | .an |
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