Asia ISO Code, Continent Code, & ccTLDs

Asia ISO-3166 code provides you with the Asian ISO code and continent code, plus a complete list of all Asian countries with their ISO country codes (ISO-3166), including the China ISO code and India ISO code, and ccTLDs (country code top level domain).

Asia (change continent)

The continent code for Asia is AS. Please use the follow table to identify the countries in Asia, as well as the country ISO codes and ccTLDs.

Country / Territory ISO-3166-2
(2 Letter Country Code)
(3 Letter Country Code)
(Country Domain Extension)
Afghanistan AF AFG .af
Armenia AM ARM .am
Azerbaijan AZ AZE .az
Bahrain BH BHR .bh
Bangladesh BD BGD .bd
Bhutan BT BTN .bt
Brunei BN BRN .bn
Cambodia KH KHM .kh
China CN CHN .cn
Christmas Island CX CXR .cx
Cocos Islands CC CCK .cc
Diego Garcia IO IOT .io
Georgia GE GEO .ge
Hong Kong HK HKG .hk
India IN IND .in
Indonesia ID IDN .id
Iran IR IRN .ir
Iraq IQ IRQ .iq
Israel IL ISR .il
Japan JP JPN .jp
Jordan JO JOR .jo
Kazakhstan KZ KAZ .kz
North Korea KP PRK .kp
South Korea KR KOR .kr
Kuwait KW KWT .kw
Kyrgyzstan KG KGZ .kg
Laos LA LAO .la
Lebanon LB LBN .lb
Macau MO MAC .mo
Malaysia MY MYS .my
Maldives MV MDV .mv
Mongolia MN MNG .mn
Myanmar MM MMR .mm
Nepal NP NPL .np
Oman OM OMN .om
Pakistan PK PAK .pk
Philippines PH PHL .ph
Qatar QA QAT .qa
Saudi Arabia SA SAU .sa
Singapore SG SGP .sg
Sri Lanka LK LKA .lk
Syria SY SYR .sy
Taiwan TW TWN .tw
Tajikistan TJ TJK .tj
Thailand TH THA .th
Turkey TR TUR .tr
Turkmenistan TM TKM .tm
United Arab Emirates AE ARE .ae
Uzbekistan UZ UZB .uz
Vietnam VN VNM .vn
Yemen YE YEM .ye
Palestine PS PSE .ps

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