How to call:
00 - Exit code when making an international call from Myanmar
91 - Indian country code for inbound calls
181 - Jullundur city code
00 + 91 + 181 + Local Number - International dialing code format
World Times:
The time in Myanmar is now 01:39:56 AM (01:39:56 AM)
The time in Jullundur India is now 00:39:56 AM (12:39:56 AM)
Mobile codes:
To call a mobile phone in India from Myanmar use the following dialing code format: 00 + 91 + Mobile Code* + The Number
*India has multiple mobile carriers: 7# (Various GSM), 8# (Various GSM), 90# (Various GSM), 91# ( Various GSM and CDMA, including MTS CDMA, BSNL GSM & CDMA, Uninor GSM, Loop Mobile GSM, S-Tel GSM etc.), 92# (Tata Indicom CDMA), 93# (Reliance CDMA), 94# (BSNL GSM), 95# (Various GSM, including Airtel, BSNL, Idea, Aircel, Reliance GSM & Vodafone.), 96# (Various GSM and CDMA, including Airtel, Idea, Reliance CDMA & GSM, Vodafone and Aircel.), 97# (Various GSM, including Airtel, Vodafone, Idea, Aircel, Uninor, Reliance GSM and Videocon), 98# (Various GSM, including Airtel, Vodafone, Idea, Aircel, Uninor, Reliance GSM and Videocon), 99# (Various GSM, including Airtel, Vodafone, Idea, Aircel, Uninor, Reliance GSM and Videocon)