Germany Country Codes

Country flag of Germany
German Flag
To call Germany dial:

Exit Country Code + 49 + Area Code + The Number


* Do not dial the plus (+) symbols

Germany Information

World Time Zones The Germany country code is 49
World Time Zones The local time in Germany is (CLICK FOR TIME ZONES)
Mobile Country Codes for Germany Get the mobile country codes for Germany.
Country Information Germany Information:
Germany on Wikipedia
The currency of Germany is the Euro.
The nationality of Germany is Germans.
The capital of Germany is Berlin
Largest Cities in Germany by population: Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Frankfurt am Main, Stuttgart, Dusseldorf, Dortmund, Essen, Bremen
Germany Emergency Numbers Germany Emergency Numbers
For an emergency in Germany, dial the following numbers:
Medical - 112
Fire - 112
Police - 110
Local Telephone Prefix Local Telephone Prefix:
0 is the trunk code for Germany
Country Map Germany Map:
Country map of Germany
The German country code and Germany area code chart below gives you the necessary information for calling German cities. For international dialing instructions to Germany, use our drop down boxes at the top of this page or check out our easy-to-use country code search tool.

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Area Codes 1-30 (of 47)
Germany CitiesGermany Area Codes
Achim 241
Augsburg 821
Bad Homburg 6172
Baden-Baden 7221
Bayreuth 921
Berlin 30 or 43
Bonn 228
Bremen 421
Bremerhaven 471
Cologne (Koln) 221
Cottbus 355
Dortmund 231
Dresden 351
Dussledorf 211
Erfurt 361
Essen 201
Frankfurt 69
Frankfurt an der Oder (east) 335
Friedrichshafen 7541
Gera 365
Halle 345
Hamburg 40
Hanover 511
Heidelberg 6221
Hof 9281
Karl-Stadt 9353
Karlsruhe 721
Kassel 561
Kiel 431
Koblenz 261

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