Canada Country Codes

Alberta State Flag
Alberta Area Codes

To call Alberta, dial the following:

Exit Code + 1 + Area Code + The Number

Alberta Information

World Time Zones The Canada country code is 1
World Time Zones The local time in Alberta, Canada is (CLICK FOR TIME ZONES)
Mobile Country Codes for Alberta Get the mobile country codes for Alberta, Canada.
State Information Information about Alberta:
Alberta on Wikipedia
The currency of Alberta is the Canadian Dollar.
The capital of Alberta is Edmonton
Largest Cities in Alberta by population: Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer, Lethbridge, St. Albert, Medicine Hat, Grande Prairie, Airdrie, Spruce Grove, Okotoks
Country Information Canada Information:
Canada on Wikipedia
The currency of Canada is the Canadian Dollar.
The nationality of Canada is Canadians.
The capital of Canada is Ottawa
Largest Cities in Canada by population: Toronto, Montreal, Calgary, Ottawa, Edmonton, Mississauga, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Brampton, Hamilton
Canada Emergency Numbers Canada Emergency Numbers
For an emergency in Canada, dial the following numbers:
Medical - 911
Fire - 911
Police - 911
Local Telephone Prefix Local Telephone Prefix:
1 is the trunk code for Canada
Country Map Canada Map:
Country map of Canada
The Canadian country code and Alberta Canada area code chart below gives you the necessary information for calling Canadian cities. For international dialing instructions to Alberta Canada, use our drop down boxes at the top of this page or check out our easy-to-use country code search tool.

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Area Codes 1-30 (of 125)
Alberta CitiesAlberta Area Codes
Airdrie 403
Athabasca 780
Banff 403
Barrhead 780
Bashaw 587 or 780
Bassano 403
Beaumont 780
Beaverlodge 587 or 780
Bentley 403 or 587
Black Diamond 403
Blackfalds 403 or 587
Bon Accord 780
Bonnyville 780
Bow Island 403
Bowden 403
Brooks 403
Bruderheim 587 or 780
Calgary 403 or 587
Calmar 780
Camrose 780
Canmore 403 or 587
Cardston 403 or 587
Carstairs 403
Castor 403 or 587
Chestermere 403
Claresholm 403
Coaldale 403 or 587
Coalhurst 403 or 587
Cochrane 403
Cold Lake 587 or 780

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Telephone Area Codes For Alberta, Canada

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